National Children’s Hospital

“How long can I stand idle? When is enough, enough? It’s time to do something…”

That’s how I felt earlier this year. We were working with a team of nurses at the National Children’s Hospital. The goal of our visit was to equip the staff with an in-service session to develop new skills to better serve their patients. Everywhere I looked buckets were catching water dripping from leaky roofs, mold was growing across drop ceilings, and what seemed to be a small waterfall was streaming in the children’s ward due to gutters that had rusted through.

I was convicted that we couldn’t allow the children to stay in such unhealthy conditions, so in late June of 2016 we began a $20,000 renovation that replaced roofs and provided LED lighting, new tile, mold preventing paint, and air conditioners. The renovation completed the PICU, the emergency room, the malnutrition ward, the pre and post-op wards, and the neonatal ward.

However, we aren’t done yet! The final ward to be completed holds 30% of the hospital’s patients, all of whom are under the age of two. This ward was prone to dangerous flooding due to the failing structure of the building, resulting in patients being transferred to other wards or hallways that had previously undergone renovations. This knowledge illuminated the pressing need to continue the renovation. As promised government support continued to be redirected, we made the prayerful decision to step out in faith to purchase materials to complete the renovation.

We are believing for an additional $10,000 to complete the renovation of the National Children’s Hospital. Would you consider partnering with what God is doing to protect the health of thousands of children in Guatemala?

Before & After Pictures





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