Alex Petersen (Guatemala)


Alex Petersen (Guatemala)


My name is Alex Petersen, and this is my beautiful wife, Liz. We got married in December 2021 and currently live + serve God in Chiquimula. Liz has worked for the judicial system of Guatemala for 18 years and has been a judge for 10 of those.

I serve as a missionary partnering with several ministries and am currently in optometry school to further my knowledge and education to serve those around me better!

My life’s purpose is to express the love, grace, and mercy of Jesus Christ to the people of Guatemala in life-transforming ways. I’d love to share the different areas that I am currently involved with.


I assist several MDs who come to serve here in Guatemala. Together we perform cataract, pterygium surgery, and other plastics surgeries for people who are financially unable to afford the procedures on their own. My role is to assist the surgeon, help translate, and find new patients to be served.


Each week we deliver pure drinking water to families who don’t have access to it. We also partner with another ministry to install water purification systems. So far, we have provided 1 in Chiquimula and three more in other areas.

The goal is to find more communities that are in need of water! First, we will supply them with 5-gallon water jugs and then install a water purification system for their community.


Here in Guatemala, many people cook with open fire. This type of cooking can be harmful and dangerous for many reasons. The risk of getting severely burned is high, not only for the one cooking but also for children and others in the home. Because of the open flame, the home also gets incredibly hot, and smoke fills in the surrounding areas.

The stoves cut wood consumption to a third, have a chimney for ventilation, and have a fire box so the heat is enclosed. Our hope is to provide stoves to as many families as possible.


We have partnered with a ministry in Canada that provide large packages of dehydrated vegetable soup for us to distribute. Each week we cook it and serve about 280 local children and elderly in need. Soon we will be starting a new kitchen and will be able to serve a meal 3 times a week!


I am able to help a ministry in Jocotan by providing oral health to people from surrounding villages. I serve by translating + providing assistance to the dentists.

Although each week looks different, they have 1 thing in common… they are all filled with the blessing of spreading Jesus’ love through these physical services!

Now that you’ve taken the time to learn a little about me, would you prayerfully consider helping those in need in Guatemala by becoming a supporter of my ministry through prayer and/or financial help?

I trust that God is my provider THROUGH YOU!

– Alex Petersen

Support Alex Petersen

Off-Line Donations can be mailed to P.O.Box 688  Noblesville,  IN, 46061

“Please write the name of the donation recipient on the memo line of each check”


“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,

according to his power that is at work within us”


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P.O.Box 688
Noblesville, IN 46061