My name is Catie Hoeppner, and I am from Fort Wayne, Indiana. I received a nursing degree in 2003 and worked in family and midwifery practices for about 13 years in the states.
In 2007, I traveled to serve with a short-term team in Mexico for the first time. I quickly fell in love with Latin American culture and sensed that I would someday serve long-term in another country.
After visiting a children’s home in Guatemala in 2016 with a small group from my church, I felt that Guatemala was the country that God was calling my heart to.
I served with Kids Alive International for a little over 3 years as a nurse at their home for sexually abused girls. During my time with Kids Alive International, God opened my eyes to the need for better maternity care options for the pregnant girls living in the home. Over the years that I have continued to live and serve in Guatemala, God has continued growing my passion for maternity care and serving young moms and a vision to open a birth center that will provide holistic care for Guatemalan women.
I am excited about the way that God has continued opening doors to begin this new ministry and for the opportunity to invest in women’s lives, giving them spiritual and emotional support as well as accessible medical care.
In my free time, I love to cook, travel, and craft. I also love to chat with my family back in the states or play a game of virtual Yahtzee. I’m the oldest of three sisters and have three amazing nephews who are the joy of my heart.
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Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation: he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.” Psalm 62 5-7

Why Maternity Ministry?
In Guatemala, most women do not have access to compassionate and quality maternity care. Traditional midwives who may tend to treat women in a more compassionate way, often do not have any medical training to be able to manage birth complications. Public hospitals, on the other hand, that may have physicians available to treat complications often are difficult for women to travel to and treat women very poorly. Private maternity care providers are not accessible to the majority of women due to extreme poverty.
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