IMN Missionary Serving House of Destiny
When I was only 10 years old my family and I moved to Guatemala to become missionaries. As I served alongside my family I learned so much about the culture and the people of Guatemala. I’ve always had a heart for kids and teaching them about God. I am now 20 years old and serving as a full-time missionary in a small family-style children’s home in Antigua, Guatemala.
I get to invest in these kids lives in three significant ways:
Spiritually, I get to teach them about Jesus daily in both formal and informal settings. Physically, I coordinate and cook nutritious meals for all the kids at the home. Thirdly, I get to invest in the kids through consistently being in their lives. These kids have seen so many relationships end, so showing them that I’m there for them in the good and the bad deepens our relationships and opens up conversations about Jesus.
Serving at House of Destiny allows me to use my gifts and pursue God’s vision for my life. Your prayers and support allow me to continue serving the children in House of Destiny full time.