Esteban Arango (Guatemala)

Hey! My name is Esteban Arango. I was born and raised in Guatemala City, Guatemala. As a pastors´ kid, I grew up in a Christian environment and got involved in the ministry world from a very young age. Nevertheless, it was until I went to college that I began to have an intimate, personal relationship with God and became passionate about His Kingdom and His Gospel. After graduating, God gave me the opportunity to start a congregation in the United States.


In 2021, not too long after I had started the congregation in the U.S., God called me to go back to Guatemala and become a missionary in my own country. Here, God laid on my heart the desire to start “La Iglesia” – the Jesus´ New Testament ministry of today. This ministry came about after I realized most of us, believers, were playing the Christian game. We were not really living out God´s word or pursuing every single day the main purpose for which God has called us – loving and serving others, sharing the gospel with all humankind, and longing to see His kingdom established on Earth. After this realization, I asked God to help me no longer be part of that Christian game… and it was at that specific moment that God gave me the blueprints for a revolutionary, life-changing, and Biblical ministry.

By His grace and mercy, La Iglesia has encouraged many to live out the lives God has called them to live through helping people develop intimate relationships with God, focusing on real discipleship and fellowship with one another, and empowering everyone to serve and love through actions.

While we have made some great strides, La Iglesia still has a lot to accomplish. Would you partner with me to fulfill the mission God has given us as a ministry and see more people coming to Christ and follow Him passionately in Guatemala?

Support Esteban Arango

Off-Line Donations can be mailed to P.O.Box 688  Noblesville,  IN, 46061

“Please write the name of the donation recipient on the memo line of each check”


“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,

according to his power that is at work within us”


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P.O.Box 688
Noblesville, IN 46061