Missionary Update

We often see such a lack of hope in Guatemala, which many times is a result of lack of opportunity. When people lack hope for their lives they turn to alcohol, addictions, or other women or men. They sometimes resort to earning dirty money…or leaving their families behind to earn money far away from home. We see broken and divided families, gang violence, teen pregnancy, adult illiteracy, and cycles of poverty because of these things, but there is hope for restoration.

We believe the catalyst for change isn’t only missionaries coming to Guatemala, but Guatemalans rising up in their callings from the Lord as well. Through job opportunity and intentional discipleship relationships, we aim to empower young adults as leaders in their families, villages, nations, and even beyond Guatemala.


We (Roberto and Cali Larios) both have 6 years of experience serving in missions around the world, and we truly are now more than ever believing that God is calling Guatemala to not just be a receiving nation but a sending one. So, we’re fighting to give oppressed indigenous Guatemalans job opportunities and walk them through an intentional discipleship program. After their year with us, we hope to send them off into their next step towards pursuing the kingdom dreams God has put on their hearts. We are praying so deeply for strongholds to fall, and for the lie that they are disqualified from being used by God because of their lack of resources or experiences to break off. It is our desire that they would know the true freedom to walk out their kingdom callings.


In addition to our focus on discipline and sending native missionaries, we believe coffee shops act as modern-day wells. We want all people to feel a sense of safety and belonging when they enter the space of River Coffee House. Who knows how God might touch their lives through conversation and a coffee.

-Roberto and Cali Larios-

To learn more about Roberto and Cali:  https://missionarynetwork.org/roberto-cali-larios/

River House Coffee Shop is located at 7ma Calle Oriente #16 Antigua, Guatemala. 

You can follow the current happenings of River Coffee House on Instagram @the_river_coffeehouse